Ensure That You Don’t Do These Mistakes While Laying Out Your Living Room

It is not always necessary to hire a professional decorator to do the setting of your living room, if you have little sense about how to place your items properly, that most of us usually have.

One of the most challenging tasks however is to decide the layout of the living room. All of us want to make our living room a warm and inviting place to sit.

Often you may like to keep your TV in focus or you may have too many extra furniture to accommodate in the living room.

In this article, we shall share few layout mistakes and how we can correct it and also accommodate your meubles Fjords (English Meaning is Fjords furniture).

  • Too symmetrical

We love symmetry but sometimes it looks too orderly. If everything in the living room are of similar shape and proportion then something will be missing.

Try shaking up a bit to get a real character.  

  • Matching of furniture

Often you may get certain item at very discounted price and you immediately buy it, but does it match with your living room style?

If not then add few more things to complement your living room.

  • Wrong sized furniture

If you are regularly changing your place from one city to the other then often you may not get the living room that is appropriate to your furniture size.

Try to place the furniture at different room.

  • Furniture mainly attached to walls

Usually placing all the furniture near the wall will create an additional place in your living room and hence everyone prefers to place furniture in that way.

Try to add few more item in the center of the room too.

  • It is not everything about your TV

Everyone prefers to keep TV in their view and in this process often people cannot interact with each other.

Try to arrange your sofa setting so that you can face each other and also have discussions too.

  • Only one furniture piece is there

If you have only a sofa to keep in your living room then add few more essential furniture to spice up its look. We are not saying you crowd your living room though.

  • Not having enough light

Often insufficient light takes away the charm of the living room. So, add few more lights at right place so that the room becomes more lighted up.